2025 STEAM Team
STEAM Team is a science club for 4th graders at Soderstrom Elementary. During our program, students will work together to solve science challenges. Students will meet in Mrs. Tillberg’s 4th grade classroom for a snack before beginning the club activities. Please select group 1 or group 2 based on the dates your child will attend.
Location: Soderstrom Elementary
For questions contact Lauren Doak at 785-227-3333 or email at recdirector@lindsborgcity.org.

Ties & Tiaras Dance

Dress up and enjoy a night out with your kid(s)!  There will be a DJ, crafts, hot cocoa, refreshments and more! This event will take place on Saturday, January 11th from 6:30-8pm at the J.O Sundstrom on the first floor.  

For questions contact Lauren Doak at 785-227-3333 or email at recdirector@lindsborgcity.org.